On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 04:09:26PM -0400, Dave Miner wrote:
> Philip Brown wrote:
> > Solaris patching isnt particularly bad. [It has its faults, but its been
> > in use for over a decade now] Debian's, from what I here, is the
> > "fragile" one.
> > 
> Not being a Debian user, I won't try to compare.  I guess your 
> experience with Solaris patches is more from the user end, whereas I'm 
> looking at it from the creator/maintainer end; let's just say that there 
> are a lot of resources expended to make sure that your user experience 
> is acceptable.

Indeed.. I imagined as much. And to me, "thats okay".
To quote from the blastwave maintainer standards page, 

"The overriding guideline is to provide a straightforward, easy-to-use
  experience for the user."

If that makes for twice as much work for the maintainer... well, that's
part of the "job" ;-)
I see that as an appropriate attitude of any software effort, whether
that be blastwave, sun, or any other organization or group of people.

But sounds like the patch creation process could certainly use some "help".
oh well. Time for a different topic/subject line, if you'd like to discuss
that one further (which I'd be happy to :-)
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