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Sara Dornsife wrote:
> If we don't want to clog up this list with all of the MANY ideas that
> are going to stream in, we can move it over to the marketing list (cc'd
> And any ideas are welcome. I volunteer to compile the ideas that come in
> and we can vote on them. Things like changes to the web site, content
> additions or updates, blogs for the one year mark, bring a friend to the
> party (virtual party), ISOs, web casts, pod casts, guides, whatever you
> think would be a good way to commemorate our one year anniversary.
> Tim and Glynn Foster put forward a bunch of ideas for the Google Summer
> of Code. I think we should do them anyway.
> Sara
> Karyn Ritter wrote:
>> Sorry for the virtual cross-post...
>> The 1-year anniversary celebration is all about the great strides and
>> contributions the community has made over the past year. Start sending
>> out your ideas about what things the community can do to help
>> celebrate being open for a year. It's an opportunity for you all to
>> stand up and talk about all of the cool things that have happened over
>> the past year.
>> Thanks,
>> Karyn
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: [osol-mktg] Upcoming Anniversary Activities for OpenSolaris
>> User    Groups
>> Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 13:53:14 -0400
>> From: Laura Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenSolaris Marketing
>> We're coming up on the 1 year anniversary for opensolaris.org...and so
>> much has GROWN since June 14th 2005!  We have so many members, and
>> projects thriving, and user groups in fabulous locations around the
>> globe.
>> The OpenSolaris marketing team is starting to plan a few things to
>> celebrate this great milestone--yes, t-shirts!  But we also were
>> thinking about how we can create a worldwide celebration--Hopefully Some
>> of the user groups may be planning a special meeting--and the idea of
>> doing a webcast has also been suggested.
>> So please, let us know what you might be considering--
>> Would a webcast be cool?
>> Who would you like to see present on a webcast? What technical topic is
>> of most interest?
>> Will you be holding a celebration meeting?
>> How many attendees would you expect at your meeting?
>> Looking forward to getting more of our planning underway!
>> Cheers,
>> LKR
I think we should do what we do best, give away software, I know what
I'm about to say is a bit impossible because of the time constraints,
cost and others. Do we still have that band of brothers DVD? I was
thinking about giving it away, shipping it even, everywhere, for free,
yes, ubuntu like to everyone that visits the www.opensolaris.org web
site. We could even include in the DVD the "happy birthday song" and
change the cover of the DVD to something more suitable for the ocation   :)

ohh, and we need a birthday banner for the site :P

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