I like the idea a lot. We don't have the "Band of Brothers" ISO yet though. We do have what Stephen Lau has been handing out which is based on the Solaris Express Community Edition. Would that work?

Any ideas on how many we might go through in a given month? We can make the ISO and DVD artwork available on line so that they can be produced anywhere by anyone who would like to.

Is this proposal in addition to the other suggestions, or in place of? Laura had suggested a worldwide user group effort. Are you thinking that that isn't a good idea? Any of the others?

Erast Benson wrote:
On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 02:19 -0300, Ignacio Marambio Catán wrote:
I think we should do what we do best, give away software, I know what
I'm about to say is a bit impossible because of the time constraints,
cost and others. Do we still have that band of brothers DVD? I was
thinking about giving it away, shipping it even, everywhere, for free,
yes, ubuntu like to everyone that visits the www.opensolaris.org web
site. We could even include in the DVD the "happy birthday song" and
change the cover of the DVD to something more suitable for the ocation   :)

ohh, and we need a birthday banner for the site :P

+7 :-)

That is the best idea to promote OpenSolaris so far I heard on this
forum. It works really really well for promoting Ubuntu and I don't see
why it will not work for us.


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