On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 13:44 +0200, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Venky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I had this blog forwarded to me:
> > http://nb.inode.co.nz/articles/Solaris10_Evaluation.html
> >
> > Hidden among the rants are some interesting points about Solaris 10.
> The typical crap I did see from othter Linux advocates :-(
> I did look at the least priv comments and it turns out that this person
> did not grok anything.
> Interesting is to see that Linux recently started to implement a similar 
> system
> but completely misses the user level support stuff that can be found on 
> Solaris
> making Linux least privs mostly useless.
> Jörg

Well, having had a look at the article, one should expect sunshine,
rainbows and lolly pops; if every review was like that, it would defeat
the purpose of it.

Rather than giving this author a hard time, lets look through the points
he might have raised, be it in a confrontational and abrasive manner,
and learn from those points to make Solaris even better.


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