> Think about it; Solaris is big on servers, not so big
> on desktops (until the recent
> push to fix that, anyway).  Having a Solaris server
> use a Windows share is
> like having a tractor-trailer towed by a Yugo; and
> that's probably an insult to
> the Yugo.  OTOH, it certainly would be handy on a
> Solaris desktop.
first of all, I'm not talking about desktop, but solaris server that is runing 
ARCINFO for a lot of users on it. 

> Is there a reason that SFU (Windows services for Unix
> - a free download from microsoft.com) can't be put on
> the Windows server, so that you can
> use plain old NFS to mount from it?  That should work
Yes it is, the reason is: it's NOT working well. The SFU is outdated and It's 
for playing only. It's not a product that you would put on the production 
server (cluster). But as I've already pointed out in my early post, this is 
different subject that's already been solved with 3rd party software that is 
able to export windows shares over NFS for *nix servers.

So, I'm still interesting in the *real* reason for this "issue".
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