For those skimming, my actual question is below. See 2) .

I've just recently taken delivery of a shiny new Macbook Pro 17". Since I've
read good things about Parallels, I thought I'd try it out with recent

Short answer is: it doesn't work. On reading forum posts both here and at
Parallels, it seems I'm not the only one for whom this is true.

Longer answer is:

There are a few problems when booting from the install CD image, but they
all seem to boil down to 2:

1) The virtual machine reboots spontaneously after the kernel banner about
    75% of the time.

    This turns out to be a panic in microfind (which naturally I can't
re-produce now, as I write this, strange). Anyway, the workaround for
    6409305 worked for me.

2) The boot of solaris from the miniroot goes fine, but the cd fails to
mount, which seems to (thus far) be the cause of all the later problems:
        - "bzcat: Can't open input file
          /cdrom/Solaris_*/Tools/Boot/X_small.cpio.bz2: No such file or
        - "ERROR: The disc you inserted is not a Solaris OS CD/DVD."

Something strange is happening here. The CD iso image obviously works
    (since I can boot this far) and the boot messages include:

        ISA-device: ecpp0
        ecpp0 is /isa/[EMAIL PROTECTED],378
                IDE device at targ 0, lun 0 lastlun 0x0
                model Virtual  HDD [0]
                ATA/ATAPI-5 supported, majver 0x3e minver 0x15
                ATAPI device at targ 1, lun 0 lastlun 0x0
                model PRL CD-ROM [1]
                ATA/ATAPI-4 supported, majver 0x1e minver 0x0
        PCI-device: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ata0
                MultiwordDMA mode 2 selected
        cmdk0 at ata0 target 0 lun 0

But, although the CD-ROM is seen, above, it does *not* get any device node attached to it. There are, as far as I can see, no further boot
    messages related to disks, and if I drop to a shell I can see this
    (partial) output from prtconf:

        pci-ide, instance #0
            ide, instance #0
                cmdk, instance #0
            ide (driver not attached)

This is as far as I've got so far, and this is where I'm hoping someone can help. I'm looking for pointers for what can cause the CDROM to be reported when ata0 is initialised, but then not see any device show up
    after that.

    Any ideas?

For those following, I found it easiest (since you can't copy & paste from the console in Parallels) to set up a serial port to a unix-domain socket,
and connect to it using "socat UNIX:/tmp/serial -,raw,echo=0", then boot
solaris using the "serial console" option in GRUB.

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