On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 05:48 +1200, Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:
> True, but there are alot of lazy programmers out there, still holding
> onto the idea of 'if it compiles, ship it' along with the 'if it
> compiles with GCC, it works' - its going to be difficult to convince
> some of the OSS programmers out there to test their software using
> Studio 10/11 compilers given that they'll say, 'well, it compiles with
> GCC, so why should I care about anything else?" 

In fairness, open source developers often start writing apps for
themselves because there is something they can't do with the existing
ones or just don't like/know the existing ones.  Then make the app
available for others who might also need the same functionality
(or eye-candy).  They don't bloody care if the code compiles or
works on your mobile phone or on the moon.  Then someone on the moon
picks it up and says, hey, this is cool, I wish it worked here too
and starts porting it.  If the app was nicely written, this is easy
to do.  If not, I still wouldn't blame the original author.

Just my 2 cents... hope I'm not starting a religious war here...


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