It would be nice to hear a 'this is what we're working on in the way of hardware support" - then atleast whiners like me can say, "hey, it'll be around soon, they're working on it now" .

It's been said a dozen times, use the search function of your email client (or the forums..)

The issue can actually be split into two parts; the first is the OSS side of the equation, and getting OSS coders to not only embrace the Forte/Studio compiler, but to realise that the world doesn't revolve around Linux, as much as they would it to occur.

The second part I'm not sure what you're alluding to, OSOL is OSS. The second part is a function of the two points I mentioned in my response to you.

The second party is getting commercial ISV's onboard, which is where the whole Adobe/Acrobat issue came into fruitition; it isn't about bashing Sun but saying, "hey, Sun has cash, why don't they do something" - if I had $4billion sitting around in my closet, building up dust, I'd do something about it right now, but since I am not endowed with such a large fortune, the best I can do (and my cohorts) is to whine to Sun.

Sun attempted, Adobe wasn't interested. Exactly how much of the $4 billion you seem to see as expendable do you think Sun should "throw" at Adobe, for something you've stated a dozen times over should be replaced regardless? They've already attempted that route reasonably, it didn't pan out. Again, Adobe Photoshop + Intel mac. There is *way* more demand for that, and it's still not here. If Apple can't get a port with all the die-hard PS guys using Apple computers, what makes you think Sun can toss money into the pot and get a port done of Acrobat? This has been rehashed over and over.

Solaris/OpenSolaris - OpenSolaris "as an official distribution" hasn't been released yet; it'll be interesting to actually see if OpenSolaris turns into the what Fedora does for RHEL; if we have a fully blown OpenSolaris 'community distro' then I think things will move forward, but if we for ever and a day going to see splintered versions out there, then progress is going to be more difficult.

RHEL is a mess, I don't even want to begin emulating their model. That's all I'm going to say on this.

I've moved back to FreeBSD 6.1 - before that I was running an PPC970 iMac with MacOS X - gave it to my brother so he could do his engineering study in comfort; I in turn received his Dell Dimension 8400 - which, all things considered, isn't a bad computer, and given its Intel processor, it does a great job heating up the room during winter (which seems to be the only season in Christchurch)


Discussion is also a two way street - when someone brings up an issue; the quesiton shouldn't be 'how shall we lynch this individual' but, "lets probe this guy, and get some more information, so that we can address the deficiencies in the system" - sure, this is a 'community' and the issues of Adobe can't be addressed by this 'community' as it has no political or fiscal muscle, but what it can address for example, is the creation of a OpenSolaris distribution based off the OpenSolaris core, Xorg and offering the end user with two desktops, GNOME and KDE, using the common 'blue print' theme for both desktops.

Life is a two-way street. Expect to receive what you give. If you act like a 12 y/o punk, you're going to have people treating you like a 12 y/o punk. Apparently you didn't bother to contemplate my responses to you as I asked (and hoped) you would.

As per distributions, there are a few already, and this project/ community is new. I suggest you give them a shot, they may answer a lot of the needs you express (as improperly as I feel you have). Nexenta would seem to fit your ramblings best, from what I've read.


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