-------------Previous post -----------
> Well, one day one we have to look at what is viable
> the common user base which from the high-end are the
> GNOME/KDE desktops and Xfce on the other. Otherwise,
> you start dealing with support issues and
> compatibility concerns.
> Maybe Genesi or the Sun team may have better
> suggestions on a small low-overhead free desktop
> we can use and build/support to minimize developer
> resources needed to maintain it.

I think you have gone way beyond the scope of my

Of course the modern desktops need to be ported.

However, at some point in the near future it would be
_nice_ to not
have to compile 100MB of source to get a desktop when
there may be
a 16MB solution laying about that has been in Solaris
since the dawn
of time.

Have you dragged down Vermillion and the X Windows kit
for OpenSolaris?

Its larger than the whole OpenSolaris source by a
large margin.

I was thinking minimal, some day we will need minimal
and really
really simple.  There are options out there.

Dennis Clarke
----------- End of Previous Post-------------------


Look at the ROX desktop. We've talked in the past
about smaller desktops like Xfce in which I think ROX
may be another viable option for Polaris. We really
would need to review the current state of the Unix
desktops out there that are WELL supported and can
possibly work in the embedded solutions as well. 


I think the source for ROX is only 2MB to start with
which should fit some of the current Genesi product

As Martin pointed out, we may not have to consider
OpenWindows and CDE at all. 

Well, I may have gotten a bit off from what you
suggested earlier.
Ken Mays
EarthLink, Inc.

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