Martin Bochnig wrote:

Think about it, programs like X-ripper, Arson, or K3b are proof that most users might not be good at remembering 170 options for a program.

Nobody needs to do this (nor is reading the man-page actually required more 
than once): The cdrecord-CLI itself does provide _enough_ self-documentation.

Looks like you missed a smiley there, if you haven't then I'm sorry you are so narrow minded when it comes to UI design that you can't see that some people have a preference for something different.

Users who have a problem with that might consider migrating to another platform.

I have a problem with that. Are you suggesting that I consider moving to another platform and stop doing work and developing on OpenSolaris because I can't get to grips with cdrecord(1) ? If so I'm glad your not my manager or my employer.

I think it is time for me to stop responding to this thread I've said all I can.

Darren J Moffat
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