Nils Nieuwejaar wrote On 08/08/06 21:44,:
On Mon 08/07/06 at 17:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Monday 07 August 2006 03:47 pm, Christof Pintaske wrote:

CDDL is an OSI approved open source license
( What other criteria are
there to make an open source license a good open source license ?

Complete acceptance from the open source communities.

Exactly.  Just like the GPL and BSD camps completely accept one another.

Look, you are _never_ going to get complete acceptance.  If you start with
that as a goal, you are setting yourself up for failure, and you are going
to waste a lot of time and energy trying to get there.

Each license has an extremely vocal minority that will always treat every
alternate license as a heresy.  Even engaging with these people is a waste
of time.  It's a religious issue and, despite their protestations, reason
doesn't enter into it.  If you enjoy the argument, then have at it, but
don't expect to actually get anywhere with it.

I'm not sure we'll ever get "complete acceptance" as well, and I'm not sure that's realistic. But I understand Alan's point, and it's good to always be looking see how we fit within the open source community of communities. And we are. Sun just sent a boat load of people to OSCON a few weeks ago in the US, and Teresa has a conference program where OpenSolaris people are engaging with other communities around the world at various events. But just consider the large number of communities and licenses and interests and cultures around the world engaged in open source development. There will always be a certain amount of conflict, which is normal. People run these things, after all.

Having said that, though, I think we *are* being accepted more and more. People outside our community are starting to notice the quality of the code, the fact that we are living up to our word, and that we are actually building an OpenSolaris community. That last one is most important, in my opinion. We're doing what we said we'd do, and we can point to a whole heck of a lot of accomplishments to prove it. In the end, that will earn us more respect out there than anything else.


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