Hi All,

It strikes me that the delivery of software, and the location it's expected to 
be found on across distributions is like herding cats. Even on Solaris, it's 
been hard enough to standardise (cf. /usr/ucb /usr/xpg4, /usr/xpg6, /usr/sfw/, 
/usr/gnu, etc.)

I mentioned this on Eric's recent blog entry[1] pointing to some thoughts I 
originally posted to approach-discuss (summary at:

If you could reduce the problem down to a set of configuration files, then 
where each distro puts the various different versions of the software isn't a 
problem, you just need to make sure you've got the right configuration file for 
that distro (plus this would be a more granular solution than simply setting 
$PATH - I'd be able to use the star from /usr/sfw but still use ls from 
/usr/bin) Making one distribution behave the same as another would simply be a 
case of installing the software (however it's delivered) and crafting the 
<personality>.conf file

Now, as to the problem of #!/bin/sh being bash or sh, or #!/bin/ksh being 
ksh88, 93, etc. I had initially been thinking about a 'personality zone' (in 
the same ilk as we now have branded zones) - but that's pretty heavyweight. A 
more elegant solution might be to teach intp.c about a proposed $OS_PERSONALITY 
environment variable. Based on this variable, while executing an interpreter, 
we'd go digging for the right personality.conf file, which would in turn alias 
us to the desired executable for that personality.

 - just a suggestion - could this work at all?


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