Call me a glutton for punishment, but I am more than a little curious at this point...


> i wish to participate in the OpenSolaris process, But i wish do this
> in comfortable environment. i do not wish help Sun in their process of
> building Solaris 11(is it legal ?).

You want to participate in the OpenSolaris initiative, and yet, you do not want your work to benefit Sun (who is supporting this project with their own time, money, and resources) and others (whom do the same) that do not follow your particular brand of software philosophy. In short, you do not wish to truly benefit OpenSolaris; you wish to contribute in a manner that benefits no one else other than yourself (or your cause). I think you have a misunderstanding of why OpenSolaris exists.

Perhaps you should take a look at the license underwhich ON et al are released under...

Erast has already invited you to join the gnusolaris project - if your aim is to improve OpenSolaris by having an ON kernel with a GNU userland, then by all means, join that effort. If your aim is something completely different, then please state it in a simple fashion rather than attack the discussion list.


> what other important build tools closed, or known to be POSIX
> incompatible?

Solaris is POSIX compliant. Linux is not. If you question is: 'what tools are not strictly POSIX compliant?' I would rethink that question - POSIX is a minimal specification and does not provide for every possible extension a covered API or utility may need, including OpenSolaris.

> (i understand that this question is difficult, but someone definitely
> knows ...)

It is not that the question is difficult. The question is silly. Several on this list have already told you why Sun tools were chosen to build a Sun operating environment. Solaris is POSIX compliant. What gives?


Perhaps the question you seek is: 'how can I *correct* the tools that I wish to use such that I can build ON in a Linux sandbox?'


Steven Stallion
Project Leader
OpenSolaris Ports Collection

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