On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Martin Bochnig wrote:

[ ... ]
What I had seen is, that you apparently have to rebuild it for Solaris10
06/06, versions built for older releases don't work correctly under
06/06 anymore.
But that's certainly not a reason, why SUNW couldn't ship it.

Well, so what exactly does lsof give that for example something like:

cd /proc
for i in *; do
        pfiles $i

doesn't do as well ?

On the other hand, the request for lsof in Solaris is anything but new, and the reference to pfiles, the mentioning that lsof does "nasty digging" in the kernel's intestines as a reply is neither, and the arguments that the output format is different, the system load of pfiles is higher, lsof is "common operator knowledge", ... - all that isn't new either ...


4286979 Solaris should include a utility like "lsof"

lsof isn't perfect, and it doesn't claim to be. It's just neat and helpful.

I think Sun has to overcome both "not invented here" and the instinctive reject via "not perfect, therefore not 'good enough' no matter what the users say", before lsof goes into mainstream Solaris.

Just my personal opinion there.

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