Dennis's post on the GPLv3 thread:

"Let's fast forward two more years and if we have another mad rush of
people NOT joining this project what then? Another marketting fix and we
rename this to the Java Enterprise OpenSolaris project with Sun
Community Source License ( SCSL ) license added and on and on we go
trying to fix something."

got me thinking about why we don't have more community participation on

Like Dennis, I've been here since the pilot, but unlike Dennis, my
contribution has been negligible.  My excuse is simply time, I have a
hungry bank manager and kids to feed, so I don't have a lot of spare
time for what amounts to 'hobby' coding.  I'm sure there are many others
out here in a similar position.

Unlike OpenSolaris, the Linux world has a many corporations paying for
work on the kernel, drivers and applications.  On one had this shows the
quality of the engineering team at Sun, but on the other it puts us at a
disadvantage.  I don't think the community involvement in OpenSolaris
will grow until we have more companies willing to pay for work on the
project. I'd like nothing better than to combine my two decades of
SunOs/Solaris and driver experience and make a real contribution to the
project, but I simply can't afford to.

The big question is how can we make this happen?  Is there a demand from
corporate users willing to pay for drivers and functionality?  If there
is, can Sun (who I assume know who wants what) through OpenSolaris
connect them with developers in the community able to do the work?


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