> It was as easy to predict more than a year ago as it
> is today. In one of my posts I expressed the below
> (Oct 11, 2005) for which I got flamed more than once
>  -
> Quote>
> Let Sun create a workable, scalable development model
> around (Open)Solaris first. I pity the words
> "request" "sponsor" "ask" above. It's going in the
> same direction as OpenOffice.org - it's working but
> only with Sun employees doing the major heavy
> lifting, community presence is not that big and thus
> the whole thing doesn't scale upto the point where it
> should ideally...
> </Quote>
> I feel sad that more than a year later OpenSolaris
> development is still closed, bug reports are still
> vague at the best and for the people to contribute
> they have to make sure they don't kill their urge and
> enthusiasm before they can get a change or two in. 

Development is not completely closed, but it isn't nearly as open as many would 
like to see (myself included), that I will agree with. Bugs and integration are 
sore spots to be sure.

> As a result, people don't feel like caring for
> OpenSolaris, if they do, Sun makes sure they go away
> by doing so much red taping, and the closed
> development model (no design/implementation
> discussions, no crisp, flaming hot discussions about
> how some part of code sucks and how it could be made
> to not suck etc.) means people do not whet their
> appetite and gather virtually no interest in the
> internals of OpenSolaris.
> Classic example of how not to run an open source
> project.

I agree with some of your post, but the rest is simply untrue. There are plenty 
of design and implementation discussions. There have been plenty of good and 
bad words exchanged as well about particular features, etc. There have been 
discussions about code that sucks and code that does not. You can see a lot of 
this when it comes to ZFS and the ksh93 integration as examples.

Just look at the recent discussion on "serendipitous discovery" and /usr/gnu. 
If you think people aren't having passionate discussions about items related to 
OpenSolaris, I'm not sure how much attention you're paying.

I'm sure not every discussion that could or should be happening here "in the 
open" is, but a lot of them are, and more of them are happening every day.

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