UNIX admin wrote On 02/01/07 05:08,:
In my opinion this feels
like a marketing idea
from the hallways of the same people that put "Java"
in front of everything.

...And which was one of the worst ideas in the history of marketing.

I was on that team back then, and I don't see those guys involved in this discussion on this list right now. If you knew the context, you may be less critical, actually. But it's ok to disagree with any given marketing strategy, even though that one pre-dates OpenSolaris and has no place here at this point. Regarding marketing in general, though: We are an open community, and marketing is as welcome in this community as any coder is. The criticism of Sun marketing in this thread is unfortunate because the marketing people who /are/ involved are very much fans of OpenSolaris and advocate on behalf of the community all the time.

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