Hi Alan,

I do apologize for the typo. I do mean glib. It is part of the GTK
project, but its used by quite a few things that don't need GTK. On
Solaris eject is a key example.


On 2/23/07, Alan Coopersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
> Hi Laszlo,
>> A bit OT, but it's glib 2.0, and it really is part of the GNOME
>> project.  The reason why you need it for HAL is because HAL uses
>> dbus (both of them are freedesktop.org projects) and dbus uses
>> glib.
> I guess I brought it up as an example of what we run into as a
> systemic packaging issue. That libraries get munged in (like glibc-2.0
> with GTK)

glibc, aka the GNU libc, is a very different beast than glib.
(glibc doesn't even work on Solaris for starters, but you keep
  saying it so you sound confused.)

glib is developed by the gtk project, so it's not munging it in,
it's delivering it where it naturally belongs.   See http://www.gtk.org/

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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