> On Mar 21, 2007, at 04:46, Artem Kachitchkine wrote:
>> Alan DuBoff wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 20 March 2007 02:59 pm, Nicolas Linkert wrote:
>>>> That's really good news.
>>>> The next big bang may be: Jörg Schilling is joining Debian.
>>>> Everything seems possible ;)
>>> Ah, now it's all making sense...I did note he had some good things
>>> to say about Debian in his OGB podcast, maybe Joerg was preparing
>>> us for the news that he is joining Debian...<LOL!>
>> Now, y'all boys realize what this leads to. Simon joining MSFT.
>> Don't make me say it! Wait, I just said it... Owh.
> They stopped calling a year or so ago...

These days Google is calling everybody.  You're not in the "in crowd" unless
you have had the telephone slammed down on you by some giggling Google guy.



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