> It gives the guys here hope that Solaris will move
> faster to adopt
> things like /usr/gnu, and generally adopt the
> usability improvements
> Linux has had. While there are pockets of folks that
> seem to admit the
> usability gap between Linux and Solaris
> toolchains...there seem to be
> a lot of folks that take it personally and gum up
> moving forward in
> this regard.

I believe we have started off "on the wrong foot" to begin with.

It seems to me that every time we discuss "Linux vs. Solaris" or "Solaris vs. 
Linux usability", the Linux/GNU proponents start with the assumption that for 
some reason or another, Solaris must "close the gap" by behaving as close to 
Linux as possible.

But Solaris is not Linux. Solaris will never be Linux. Solaris is a System V 
UNIX, and those coming to Solaris should learn Solaris the way Solaris is, not 
expect Solaris to imitate and turn into Linux.

Accept Solaris for what Solaris is, if you truly want to use it and learn it, 
then also learn it the way Solaris is.

Most if not all "GNU/Linux ways" have their equivalents -- whether in Solaris 
or in System V. And System V is a far bigger area that covers a lot more 
systems and standards than all the Linux distros put together -- not in the 
numbers shipped, but in the issues covered.

Please don't expect Solaris to turn into Linux. Give Solaris a chance by 
learning how things are done in a standard way -- that is, the System V 
standard. You can use that knowledge on other systems then as well, for 
example, on HP-UX and IRIX. What you learned on Linux is almost unusable on 
anything else. I'd go so far as to compare it to Windows knowledge -- Windows 
knowledge is only good on Windows, and on nothing else.

As a reminder: "GNU is Not UNIX".
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