Bart Smaalders wrote:
How about just fixing it so that the automounter finds any home directories in /etc/passwd and mounts those on demand?

When you create the user with useradd(1M) it sets the home dir to what ever you ask for usually /home/user. The problem was creating the directory rwith mkdir. Howeve useradd(1M) has the same problem when it attempts to create the home dir in that case.

# useradd -m -d /home/alice alice
UX: useradd: ERROR: Unable to create the home directory: Operation not applicable.

The "easy" way to do this might be to change the files repository case to not have an auto_home managed, after all if you are using files for the automount map in nsswitch.conf chances are the mounts are local rather than NFS anyway. That would actually allow 'mkdir /home/user' to work.

So remove this line from /etc/auto_master:

/home           auto_home       -nobrowse

One of the things I've considered is that when we have ZFS install as default (at least for Solaris Express Developer Edition) would be that /home/ is a ZFS filesystem and so is /home/user and automounter in that case is not managing /home either because ZFS is. This saves us an lofs mount for each home dir.

Darren J Moffat
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