> No system to date is without sacrifice in some way
> for Solaris. I'd like 
> to hear a lot more of how we can make Solaris be
> itself. I mean this in 
> regards to pkgsrc wanting things in /usr/pkg,
> belenix wanting /usr/foss, 
> and even Solaris using /usr/sfw...or duplication of
> libs running wild 
> amongst the community, and even the gcc vs.
> SunStudio ABI situation with 
> c++ code. This cross-ABI problem seems to bite us
> hard. Maybe the idea 
> that our community can work together as a whole is
> merely a dream.

it will get there some day. Redhat and its rpm were
(still not) not the best of what was available but at
least you got an easy way to get updates of software
which probably resulting in having a fair few similar
distributions jumping on the rpm wagon thus making it
a pretty standard package format in the linux world.
The fact that they all used gcc despite its lacking in
many places and that there was no restrictions on the
use of gcc and the distributions themselves...

Sun studio just has to be as available so that
software developers will hopefully stop using gcc/gnu
ld specific stuff and an easy to update open solaris
distribution (nexenta looking pretty much there...)
being installed everywhere will hopefully draw the
attention of those software developers to open

everything else, i am sure people will be happy to conform.

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