> I didn't say they were doing a *wrong* thing, I just
> implied it was not as good.

as opposed to none?

> Besides, I bet if you talk to people who use
> advocate one of those
> distributions, they would claim their particular
> distribution's update
> management system was better than any other one's
> system.

Of which I would not care. I don't care if it is apt
or yum or something else nor whether they use deb,
rpm, pkg package formats or something new. I just want
a way to upgrade without having to drop in a DVD/CDs.
People can move from ubuntu to fedora and vice versa.
What matters is that there is an easy way to
upgrade/manage over the network. of course, if Sun
does not want to do this, some one will. nexenta is an
example already although they use gcc.

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