
joey wrote:
Hi Folks,

Attached please find the Project proposal for the OpenSolaris programming contest in China academic developers. Your comments and backing are appreciated!



OpenSolaris Programming Contest Proposal

1. Executive Summary

This proposal is to organize the OpenSolaris Programming Contest within academic developers in China. The goal of the programming contest is to cultivate the OpenSolaris academic developers in China, as well as grow the OpenSolaris community. The contest will target at 20,000 Sun Studio active users as well as 20,000 OpenSolaris registration. As the side result, several Intern candidates will be selected out of the winners for the Campus Ambassador program. The proposal focuses on China academic developers now, but it can be easily expanded to academic developers across the world, or even commercial developers in the future.
2. Background

With the OpenSolaris Curriculum Program, there are over 90 China universities 
integrated OpenSolaris into the Operating System Curricula. Since this January, 
OpenSolaris Registration Promotion has been launched on OpenTech website in 
China and it has attracted over 14,000 OpenSolaris developers to register and 
request for OpenSolaris Starter Kit. Moreover, the success of ACM/ICPC Xi'An 
Regional Contest on OpenSolaris has proven the viability of programming contest 
using OpenSolaris and Sun Studio. To make the development environment widely 
available for new developers, we have set up the cutting-edge server 
(unix-center.net) installed with Solaris and Sun Studio in China. In the past 6 
weeks, over 10,000 people have login this server to try the development 

3. The Program

To enable the contestants to innovate based on OpenSolaris, several factors are 
key to the success of the contest:
a. Rules to keep the contest attractive, fair play and innovation-oriented
b. Effective promotion to catch the right people in right way at right time
c. Engineering support from the OpenSolaris community and Solaris team

As the contestant, he/she will attend the contest with the below procedure:
Register the projects => Attend the free training => Implement the project => Test 
the project => Submit the project

From the organization point, the below steps are critical:

(1) Prepare for the contest rules (awards; registration, implementation and 
submission rules), advertise plan, supporting infrastructure (project website 
and technical advisory board);

(2) Hold university roadshow to widely spread the contest;
(3) Offer free training on OpenSolaris programming to academic developers both 
on-campus and on-line;

(4) Provide technical support for the contestant during the project 

(5) Evaluate the OpenSolaris contest to choose out winners. Once the winners come out, the Campus Ambassador recruiting team will interview the Intern candidates.

3.1 Contest Rules

The contestants have to register and submit the work by the deadline.
3.1.1 Eligibility

All university student, undergraduate and postgraduate, are eligible to the participate the OpenSolaris programming contest. The contestants will register the contest as a group: 1) Each group consists of at most 3 players;
2) The group needs to invite a professor to act as the mentor;
3) Each group will have to choose a project from our published project list or 
propose a new project from their research;
4) A lead is selected to register the project and submit the source code on 
line on behalf of the whole group.

3.1.2 Registration

A successful registration includes:
1) Each group member has to register a user on opensolaris.org
2) Submit project proposal and group information on the project page
3) Request DVD on OpenTech to set up the environment
4) Register on Unix-center.net to try the development environment (OpenSolaris 
and Sun Studio)

After the registration, the group will be granted with:
1) A notification e-mail to congratulate their successful registration;
2) Under the project page, there will be a repository to contain all the 
documents and source code for the project;

3.1.3 Implementation

1) All source codes, creative or derivative, should be compliant with the 
Common Development and Distribute License (CDDL);
2) The project should be compiled and tested with Sun Studio (Studio 11, Studio Express or Studio 12 EA); 3) To ensure the compatibility, all the project should run the sanity test on unix-center.net;

3.1.4 Submission

1) The submitted source code should be licensed under CDDL;
2) All submission should be done on the project page on-line; 3) The complete submission will include project source code tarball, demo, user guides, supporting tools, etc.;
4) The newer submission will replace the existing submission without the 
version check tool.

After the submission, a notification e-mail will send to the lead.

3.1.5 Review

The review team will evaluate the project with the following rules:
1) Innovation: From the project proposal, implementation, to user interface, 
the creative and innovative aspects matter.        
2) Value: Solve existing problem, add new features which can be used by the 
community, or even become a future OpenSolaris project.
3) Effectiveness of problem solving: The submitted implementation vs. the project proposal. 4) Code quality: extensibility, maintainability, reliability, salability, etc.

The review team consists of influential professors, senior engineers from Sun and Open Source community.
3.2 Attractive Award

Once registered, everyone is winner. Every registrant will be granted a set of OpenSolaris Starter Kit and a OpenSolaris T-shirt.
The awards for the winners will include Campus Ambassador Internship, Sun 
Workstation, PDA, iPod and Solaris books. The rewards for the different ranks 
are as follows:

Special prize: Campus Ambassador Internship. The Intern is chosen out of the 
winning team. Once the Intern offer is given, he/she will not be granted with 
the other gifts as his/her teammate. (Note: We DO NOT promise all the winning 
team players will be chosen as Campus Ambassador. But each team player of the 
top 10 winning teams will have the chance to attend the interview and get the 
comments. The final candidate will be decided by the Campus Ambassador 
recruiting team)
Rank 1 (1 groups, 3 players): MacBook, certificate
Rank 2 (5 groups, 15 players): Intelligent phone, certificate
Rank 3 (10 groups, 30 players): iPod, certificate Rank 4 (30 groups, 90 players): Solaris Internals Books, certificate

Mentor prize (5 professors): Training coupon, certificate
Student Association prize(3 associations): Collaboration association, 

3.3 Promotion

As we will have to achieve such a big number of participation, promotion is fairly critical to this contest. The coverage will be 100,000 people, and of them 20,000 will register as OpenSolaris users. 1200 groups (or 3600 players at most) are expected to enroll the contest.
The professors who are teaching OpenSolaris courses will encourage their 
students to attend the contests. We will advertise this contest from March in 
some developer community websites, and emphasize the promotion in universities 
as below:

1) Roadshow in 19 universities;
2) Promotion activities in 60 universities;
3) Advertisement on 120 university BBS;
4) On-line promotion on SDN, OpenTech and other websites

Besides, we will promote the activities through campus activities like Sun 
TechDays and Techtalks by Campus Ambassadors and Student associations.

3.4 Training and Technical support

1) Lab courses training by professors;
2) Open training by Sun engineers on campus;
3) OpenSolaris/OpenTech as the tutoring website;
4) Tech talks on Sun University Tour, OpenSolaris Day, TechDays, etc.;
5) Tech talks by Campus Ambassador and Student association on campus.

4. Timeframe (March �C October 2007)

The detailed timeline and milestones are marked in the attached program 
spreadsheet. Below is the overview:

1) Preparation (March - April)
2) Announcement (April) 3) Promotion (May - June) 4) Project Registration (By June 30) 5) Project Development (July - August) 6) Review (September)
7) Intern Selection Interview (October)

5. Endorsement Communities

This project will be endorsed by OpenSolaris Academic and Research Project and OpenSolaris China Portal. The project homepage and discussion aliases are in need. The initial project leaders are Teresa Giacomini and myself.


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