Brian Gupta schrieb:
It might not be "clicky-bunty" like Linux, but a real IT/CS professional never needed or used "clicky-bunty" tools to begin with. And if I read about people running Linux for enterprise workloads and complaining about lack of "clicky-bunty" in Solaris, I have to ask:

are we talking about IT professionals here, or just plain Joe Sixpacks?

Yeah all those "Joe six-pack" PhDs running Google are definitely not
"real IT/CS professionals". They are clearly not capable of "system
engineering", with degrees not worth the paper they are printed on. I
mean come on what kind of two bit organizations are these: CMU, MIT,
Stanford, Caltech, etc. They sound like a bunch of of "hackers" making
a mockery of the science of "systems engineering".
Somehow, I doubt that those people at google rely on yast and similar tools very much. And they will likely not be among those who complain about the lack of graphical tools for basic administration tasks.

(simply for the reason that they customize their systems so much that all graphical tools that might apply were written by themselves)

and with regard to customization, linux currently is the best choice. with bsd, you don't get the level of support with doing local changes simply because of "community" size, and opensolaris faces the same and other problems, mostly because it's just 2 years in the open.
Seriously though, Solaris admins have a horrible reputation among the
open-source community. Some of the statements, are "arrogant",
"unfriendly", and "closed-minded". (At least those Solaris Admins who
haven't switched to Linux yet.)
Seems like you haven't heard about the reputation of linux users, admins and coders alike on non-linux groups. The reasons are different, but the sentiments are about the same.
Linux people about the others:
- They behave so elite (maybe because they have 20 years experience, something you can't have with linux) -> arrogance - They don't help me with my linux problem (maybe because they're not up-to-date on the latest make-/dev-dynamic hack in linuxland and so just _can't_ help?) -> unfriendly - closed-minded ("hey, they _still_ prefer solaris/bsd/whatever - didn't they realize that linux is teh best!!!!111!?") - uhm.. right.. sure. see your side remark about "solaris admins who haven't switched yet")

Have we come so far from Unix's original goals, that we need to throw
rocks and get all frenzied when we see something different, or that we
don't understand.
Sorry, I must have missed the part about the rocks in the original goals - are we supposed to leave them alone?
"I think the Linux phenomenon is quite delightful, because it draws so
phenomenon.. so it has to vanish eventually?

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