> This is absolutely true from experience, as well; however, I would > restrain 
> myself from calling it "incompetence" on the part of academics. > Its simply> 
> a matter that "engineering" experience (as you call it) is exclusive to > the 
> curriculum of the average Computer Science program. One doesn't need> to be 
> running Solaris on SPARC hardware to teach data structures, driver > 
> development, or algorithms. Its more of a case that the curriculum of a > 
> Computer> Science program needs to be more well-defined, as its quite 
> bloated, > nowadays.
Moinak Ghosh summed it up quite nicely in another post:
we've got people coming out of *universities* with *degrees* in IT and CS and 
not knowing what UNIX is. Not knowing what Makefiles are, not knowing how to 
(not) set the Java CLASSPATH, not knowing how `ld` works, not knowing how to 
write an AWK program, sed, or a shell script, not knowing how to program in C, 
and not knowing how paging, swapping, threading or memory management works!
Hey, how can someone get out of a university with a degree in IT/CS and not 
know any of this stuff?!?!?!
I also remember, when I was at the university, and we had operating systems: 
design and principles, we learned on Windows NT microkernel and Solaris as 
examples and contrasted the two. Thankfully, I had a really good teacher.
But here comes the twist: my professor was also a consultant!
And although he was hopped up on Linux even back then, he had enough brains and 
experience to pick the right operating systems to learn OS theory and 
principles on.
Such people are extremely rare nowdays, and they're in the minority. And 
exactly that is what's so bad and alarming.
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