> i'd fire any of my sysadmins if i ever catch them
> using fedora in any
> production server. you dont use unsupported software
> there. do not
> ever underestimate the value of blaming someone else
> when things
> break. And people have used solaris for many years
> without the
> sources.

My feelings exactly, add me to the list!

What the heck, why would anyone explicitly go to the trouble of using Fedora in 
production, unless they were some sort of a hacker?

What reason could one possibly have to NOT use Solaris, since the playing 
ground is now level or even in Solaris's favor (gratis, opensource, System V, 
forward-compatible, ...)?

Goes back to someone writing in another post that Linux is the best choice. How 
can it be the best choice when Solaris has and can everything Linux can, and 
then some, and the price is the same (gratis), and commercial support for 
Solaris is cheaper?

It's irrational to insist on using Linux, especially Fedora in production 
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