On 6/1/07, John Sonnenschein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/31/07, Giles Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/1/07, John Sonnenschein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I threw in my -1 for a very specific reason, and that's that I don't
> > think that this project benefits us ( where "us" is the opensolaris
> > community ), and is at best a distraction & a sink for developer
> > talent that could be better used towards creating an open process.
> I disagree. Those developers need input. To get input they need a user
> base. Right now, that user base almost entirely consists of Solaris
> users and not OpenSolaris users which means things are skewed in a
> particular direction.

is OpenSolaris then just a comment card for Sun ( how are we doing?
poor() fair() good() ) or is it a real open source project? if it's
the first, then yeah... all they need is just some people to use their
stuff and give comments back. If it's supposed to be a real open
source project then the absolute most important thing is to get the
development infrastructure out in the open as fast as possible, and to
attract as many developers as possible.

Users come later, they'll follow whatever's sexy. Developers are far
more valuable & far more willing to reject a project permanently if
the dev. infrastructure isn't up to par.

Infrastructure is completely unrelated so please go and put your beef
in your own thread.

> >
> > On 5/31/07, Giles Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > (sorry for the duplicates...do you want this on osol or not?)
> > >
> > > > > Open development agreed and things are moving in that direction from
> > > > > what I see. I do feel that a distro to jump start a larger user base
> > > > > that is different from Sun's current clients. I do not see why Sun
> > > > > being involved in it would drive new users away unless Sun adds enough
> > > > > strings to their OpenSolaris distro such that they discourage new
> > > > > users.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Sun seems to be trying to use ian-diana to attract new community
> > > > members, I'm trying to make the point that if they want to do that,
> > > > they should stop wasting time with this silly project and get to doing
> > > > the things that actually will benefit the developer community
> > >
> > > Scratch 'developer community'. developer-communities should stay
> > > behind closed doors where they belong if that is what they want.
> >
> > So then what's the point of "open" at all? If you don't concern
> > yourself with developers, you may as well just buy an off the shelf
> > product and forget open-source even exists
> Sorry, I should have had 'developer-only'. What is the point of an
> open developer-only community?

Same as the point of an open mixed community. create great products
that people ( developers are people too they just smell different )
want to use.

and for some reason you have a problem that Sun would like to engage
the community in attracting more users so that they can give input to
the direction that developers, current and incoming, take the code?

> >
> > We already have a bunch of distros, and ian-diana isn't going to
> > attract new people to the project any more than belenix and nexenta
> > will, it's just going to take users from the other ( actually
> > community-run ) distributions. So then why not just use Belenix? why
> > do we need iandiana at all, if not just so that Sun can keep
> > controlling things instead of handing them off to the community like
> > they should be doing?
> If a Sun OpenSolaris distro does take users from the other distros
> (community run? right...I thought this was about a community distro?)
> then they are likely suffering for reasons other than the fact that a
> Sun OpenSolaris distro exists.

It'll inevitably take users from other distros for the same reason
other distros will take users from each other, the question is what
niche ian's project is hoping to fill, what's the point? If Sun just
wants to build a distro, that's their prerogative, the license allows
it & i've no problem with it. Why bother discussing it here though if
it's just a sun product? just show us something and we'll take it or
leave it.

What is the matter? You want to keep Linux users from joining the
community? The niche Ian is hoping to fill = luring Linux users if you
have not noticed.
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