> I have a different take on this.
> Recently I found my social status elevated quite a
> bit, & I realized that this has a lot to do with the
> fact that I am running Solaris as my primary desktop.
> I can definitely sense the attention (&
> envy/respect) whenever I brought up this little side
>  event.
> Of course, this has nothing to do with me; all
> credits go to Sun's (& those related therewith)
> developers who have made this possible.  But the
> general public don't know this--yet, & I am enjoying
> this fame as long as it lasts--probably not for too
> long though.  :-)

  Hmmm. I have been looked upon as a non-conformist to be shunned by the point 
and clickers.
most of which never heard of Solaris and if you mention it they say "Linux?" 
Yea right pal!
Go back to sleep.
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