On 02/09/07, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having trouble understanding this:
> zfs create zfspool/home
> zfs create zfspool/home/u1
> zfs create zfspool/home/u2
> For arguments sake u1 contains 5gb worth of data and u2 7gb worth of data.
> Doing 'zfs list' zfspopol/home/u1 and zfspool/home/u2 shows 5gb and 7gb 
> respectively. However zfspool/home only shows a couple of kb, not my expected 
> 12gb.

These are separate filesystems, so that's what I'd expect
(it'd be exactly the same if you had /usr , /usr/src and /usr/share as
separate filesystems on any other UNIX).

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
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