You should be posting to zfs-discuss for ZFS-specific questions.

Perhaps you are confused about the difference between 'used' and 'referenced'?  
For example, consider this output from my desktop:

NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
pool/local/builds              696M   680G  32.2K  /builds
pool/local/builds/fixes        296M   680G   296M  /builds/fixes
pool/local/builds/work         400M   680G   400M  /builds/work

Notice that 'used' is the sum of the two filesystems underneath it.  But 
'/builds' itself is also a filesystem, and so the amount of space referenced by 
that particular filesystem is quite small (because it isn't actually mounted, 
it has basically no data).

Quotas are *not* inherited.  Setting a quota on 'pool/local/builds' will apply 
to the total (used) space of itself all child filesystems and snapshots.

- Eric

> I'm having trouble understanding this:
> zfs create zfspool/home
> zfs create zfspool/home/u1
> zfs create zfspool/home/u2
> For arguments sake u1 contains 5gb worth of data and
> u2 7gb worth of data.
> Doing 'zfs list' zfspopol/home/u1 and zfspool/home/u2
> shows 5gb and 7gb respectively. However zfspool/home
> only shows a couple of kb, not my expected 12gb.
> What is the thought behind separate filesystems and
> inheritance?! Using 'zfs set quota=10G zfspool/home'
> is inherited to underlying filesystems, but not the
> accumulated total usage is being considered.
> Am I thinking of this in the wrong way, or...?
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