> You should be posting to zfs-discuss for ZFS-specific
> questions.

Yup, you're right.

> Perhaps you are confused about the difference between
> 'used' and 'referenced'?

My bad. I was playing around with small files and therefor did not see any 
change in the 'used' column. Checking with larger files got it right.

> Quotas are *not* inherited.  Setting a quota on
> 'pool/local/builds' will apply to the total (used)
> space of itself all child filesystems and snapshots.

My understanding/confusion came from what Jeff Bonwick once wrote in 'ZFS - the 
last word in filesystems': "Filesystems in ZFS are hierarchical: each one 
inherits properties from above". Adding to this I read a 'nameless' guide 
suggesting setting the default quota on zfspool/home.

In b70 the following properties are supported:


        available        NO       NO   <size>
        compressratio    NO       NO   <1.00x or higher if compressed>
        creation         NO       NO   <date>
        mounted          NO       NO   yes | no | -
        origin           NO       NO   <snapshot>
        referenced       NO       NO   <size>
        type             NO       NO   filesystem | volume | snapshot
        used             NO       NO   <size>
        volblocksize     NO       NO   512 to 128k, power of 2
        aclinherit      YES      YES   discard | noallow | secure | passthrough
        aclmode         YES      YES   discard | groupmask | passthrough
        atime           YES      YES   on | off
        canmount        YES       NO   on | off
        checksum        YES      YES   on | off | fletcher2 | fletcher4 | sha256
        compression     YES      YES   on | off | lzjb | gzip | gzip-[1-9]
        copies          YES      YES   1 | 2 | 3
        devices         YES      YES   on | off
        exec            YES      YES   on | off
        mountpoint      YES      YES   <path> | legacy | none
        quota           YES       NO   <size> | none
        readonly        YES      YES   on | off
        recordsize      YES      YES   512 to 128k, power of 2
        reservation     YES       NO   <size> | none
        setuid          YES      YES   on | off
        shareiscsi      YES      YES   on | off | type=<type>
        sharenfs        YES      YES   on | off | share(1M) options
        snapdir         YES      YES   hidden | visible
        version         YES       NO   1 | 2 | current
        volsize         YES       NO   <size>
        xattr           YES      YES   on | off
        zoned           YES      YES   on | off

But as one can see quota is one of the supported properties, however it's not 
listed as inheritable.....

Tnx for your help...
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