I am running Solaris with two NICs in the box ce0 ce1. Is there any way to get 
full duplex 1000


bash-2.05# netstat -k ce0 | egrep 'link_speed|link_status|link_duplex'
lp_cap_asmpause 1 lp_cap_pause 0 link_T4 0 link_speed 1000
link_duplex 2 link_asmpause 0 link_pause 0 link_up 1 mac_mtu 1522

bash-2.05# netstat -k ce1 | egrep 'link_speed|link_status|link_duplex'
lp_cap_asmpause 0 lp_cap_pause 0 link_T4 0 link_speed 10
link_duplex 1 link_asmpause 0 link_pause 0 link_up 1 mac_mtu 1522

See in ce1 link speed is 10 mpbs its should be same as that ce0 , please help 
me ,

when i tried to set 

# ndd -set /dev/ce instance 1
# ndd -set /dev/ce adv_1000fdx_cap 1
# ndd -set /dev/ce adv_autoneg_cap 1

ndd -set /dev/ce1 adv_1000fdx_cap 1
open of /dev/ce1 failed: No such file or directory

after added the command ce1 still shows same 10x only

Aug 31 16:52:23 eqoas322 genunix: [ID 611667 kern.info] NOTICE: ce1: xcvr 
addr:0x01 - link up 10 Mbps half duplex
Aug 31 17:04:58 eqoas322 genunix: [ID 611667 kern.info] NOTICE: ce1: xcvr 
addr:0x01 - link up 10 Mbps half duplex

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