On 05/09/07, Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Sep 2007, Shawn Walker wrote:
> > So it would seem:
> > http://lwn.net/Articles/248227/
> >
> > If they actually follow through on this, I'd buy a new ATi card in a 
> > heartbeat.
> >
> > No offense to Intel for the great stuff they've done, but they just
> > don't compete performance-wise...
> I agree with the second comment there, Intel's approach not only seems
> better but they're coming through with their promises.
> We have DRI for Intel chipsets for OpenSolaris today. This was due to
> Intel providing some specs and info to Sun. My hat is off to them.
> Also, in the past ATI has had different drivers for open source and for
> proprietary, AFAIK, and the performance has never been great for the open
> source version. I would be skeptical of this cat/mouse game.

It seems the cat/mouse game will continue a bit. They have now
clarified that the specs will only be available under NDA:


However, supposedly, they will be funding the development of a 2D/3D
open source driver in that will be written in cooperation with the

A proprietary driver will still be their focus going forward for their
primary customers.

I'll just wait and see what happens out of this...

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/

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