On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 09:42 +0100, Alan Burlison wrote:
> Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:
> > Yeah, and the current situation has worked sooooooooo well so far.
> How
> > long did it take for Sun to realise that SPARC isn't the be all and
> end
> > all? when their share price plumited to 1/10th? when management
> finally
> > woke up from their opium hazed existance and realised that they
> alone
> > should have their hands on the steering wheel rather than allowing
> the
> > noisy bratts at the back to gain control?
> You have been bad-mouthing people via this list on a fairly regular 
> basis.  I've previously asked you to stop, as have others.  Once
> again, 
> please stop it, it isn't appropriate, or helpful.

Maybe I'm bitter and jaded because I'm fed up with the lack of
responsibility taken by the said parties. I'm sorry but if I fobbed off
responsibility to the same degree demonstrated by some I would never
keep a job.


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