> So it would seem:
> http://lwn.net/Articles/248227/
> If they actually follow through on this, I'd buy a
> new ATi card in a heartbeat.

Why? Nvidia has great support for Solaris. They've done everything *just 
right*, including packaging. I checked their stuff and they really *paid 
attention to detail*. You just stick and Nvidia card into a system, load 
Solaris and off you go.

ATI on the other hand has had crap. Superblitz graphics accelerators which had 
crap for drivers, so much so even Windows users complained how crappy it was.

And, what gets me the most: ATI wouldn't be opening up the specs to their 
accelerators (as if they were something ultra special!), if they haven't been 
bought out by AMD and given an order to do so.

ATI is a crappy company with a crappy attitude. Boycotting ATI products and 3rd 
party products with ATI hardware inside them seems much cheaper and productive 
than waiting for them to put out "a skeleton 2D driver" out of the goodness of 
their hearts.

For as much money as they've made out of consumers, they should have had a 
fully integrated Solaris driver with all the bells and whistles by now. Just 
like NVidia.

If you think my attitude towards ATI is totally unjustified, how about this 
little piece of trivia: quite a bit of Sun SPARC workstation hardware has ATI 
ChipSet(s) in them, including at least several Sun graphics accelerators. Thos 
buggers have had the expertise and resources to support Solaris for years now, 
yet they haven't lifted a finger.

Shame on you ATI!!!
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