> > No. I am suggesting that the GNOME-dependent
> installer be statically 
> > linked, so as to reduce the unbelievable half a
> gigabyte requirement to 
> > install Solaris to something reasonable, like a
> couple of megs.
> That wouldn't actually help.  In fact it makes it
> WORSE not better, 
> static linking in the general case decreases sharing,
> increases binary 
> sizes makes patching more complex and increases
> memory requirements not 
> decreases it.

I know all this. Inspite of that, I believe static linking just for the 
installer is acceptable. The binary will be bigger, patching and sharing as far 
as miniroot is concerned are in my opinion completely irrelevant, because 
miniroot is something that must be dynamically generated for every Solaris / 
Nevada revision anyway.

Let's spin this around some: I've read quite a number of reasons why it 
shouldn't be done.  Do you have a better idea on how to bring the ridiculous 
requirement of 512MB of RAM just to install Solaris down?

The end result is, no matter how you slice it and dice it, that Solaris can't 
readily be installed on systems that have less than half a gigabyte of RAM. And 
that's the "slim" installer! Now, I know you guys at Sun have super-di-duper 
shining U20s and U25s, but there's literally milions of people out there which 
have systems sitting around which would make for nice little servers with 256MB 
of RAM... if they could only install Solaris on them.
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