Shawn Walker wrote:
> On 31/10/2007, Stephen Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>>>> MC wrote:
>>>>> Not that I care for bureaucracy, and not that I
>>>> know what is happening here, but...
>>>>> I think if you strong-arm past the OpenSolaris
>>>> community bureaucracy (and again, not saying you are,
>>>> because I don't know much about it), it'll be
>>>> archived forever and referenced in the future to show
>>>> how Sun only takes said OpenSolaris bureaucracy
>>>> seriously when it is convenient for them.
>>>> Context?
>>> Where's the pointer to formal buy-in by the OGB for the use of Indiana as 
>>> _the_ OpenSolaris reference distro?
>> There was none.
>> The OGB was not formally consulted.  Several of us made our concerns
>> known as individual voices, but that apparently had no effect.
>>> Where's at least a broad _agreement_ between Sun and the OGB that
>>> a program will be  developed to (a) define what constitutes a compatible
>>> distro, and (b) allow compatible distros to use the OpenSolaris trademark?
>> There is none.
>>> Possibly not necessary to have, but certainly polite and 
>>> credibility-enhancing,
>>> IMO.
>> Indeed, it would have been polite, wouldn't it.
> The important thing to remember here is that no official decision has
> been made. Instead of a bunch of people running around grumpy, let's
> take this opportunity to ensure that we participate in the branding
> and trademark discussion taking place on trademark-policy-dev.
> Before we have something truly official, the advocacy community (and
> possibly others) need to propose something to the OGB and then a vote
> needs to happen.
Is this in the charter? What happens if the advocacy community votes and 
approves it?

Personally, I would rather it just happened as it would slightly reduce 
the world daily total of spam :)

> Remember that Sun can use the trademark in whatever way they choose
> but they don't control the communities here. Instead of acting as if
> Sun has made any decisions for you, use the abilities given to you by
> the constitution you voted for.
> 1) Get involved in the discussion, be a part of the process
Yes. But keep it short an sweet. The endless debate so far is only going 
around in circles. Use your last dying breath to add some code :)

> 2) Get the relevant communities to form a proper proposal that
> reflects the results of that process

Isn't that already happening?

> 3) Get the core contributors votes for it
Yes 'core' from the relevent community i.e. advocacy.
> 4) Propose it to the OGB

Why? It should be proposed to Sun rather than the OGB. They own the 

> 5) Have a community vote

Why? So far I have seen almost zero comments from core contributes from 
other communities. Is there really interest?

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