Simon Phipps writes:
> On Nov 1, 2007, at 14:18, James Carlson wrote:
> > That's a significant community-wide power.  It's a big change, without
> > regard to the trademark legal issues.
> Only if we sit around and leave it as-is. You're speaking as if all  
> decisions are made and final. That's not so. There's a stake in the  
> ground, for sure, but we all have shovels.

Great!  Then you're a proponent of having this discussion ...

> >> It's an opportunity to do a new thing collectively and I'm hoping all
> >> the stop-energy I've seen today will soon change into do-energy. We
> >> have the "running code" (in both the alpha release and the name),
> >> it's time to iterate.
> >
> > Again, I think that's a misunderstanding.  Nobody is emitting
> > "stop-energy" (whatever the heck that might be).
> I think you'll find they are.

... except that you're not.  Wow, that's confusing.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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