John Plocher wrote:
> Martin Bochnig wrote:
>>>> Renaming "Indiana" to "OpenSolaris": Wouldn't that be like renaming 
>>>> the
>>>> brand "Crysler" to "Automibile"?
>>>> IMO a "Crysler" is not equal to "Automobile". It would be a 
>>>> subclass of
>>>> it (with more nested subclasses and then n-millions of instances/leaf
>>>> nodes).
> I think you have it - exactly.
> This is like calling the automobiles built in the BMW Factory "BMWs".

Only when considering the 2nd layer (the distro-creating projects and 
associated ones, rather than OS/Net src base maintainers).

> This is the OpenSolaris Community.  We construct a distro out of the
> various source code parts that are manufactured in our community.
> It is natural that the thing we produce somehow carries our name.

Then the OS/Net sources should not have the identical name "OpenSolaris" 
any longer.
This is using one name for two different animals. One or the other has 
to change its name.
Even a small prefix or suffix would IMO be sufficient. Like "Community" 
or "Reference" or "Sun".
Or maybe ".org"? Like ""?

> The alternative is that we are simply a parts supplier for other
> automobile companies.

If you want to be FullyOpen, then you may have to accept this.
And honestly: Do you understand / consider the existing distro projects 
as hostile competition, rather than as (positive, supporting) part (and 
partially also parts-supplier) of the whole ONE ?

> The Linux Distro Hell is flawed,

But the average user / journalist (marketing!) doesn't seem to care 
(often due to a lack of knowledge).
It is known, unfortunately, that not the technically better product is 
going to win in the field.
See Win95 vs. OS/2 et al.

> IMO, because it sees itself as a
> community of parts suppliers rather than as a producer of cars.
> This may be good for those who love building their own vehicles, but
> sucks rather large rocks if you just want something reliable to get
> you to work every day.

Of course: "Sun OpenSolaris" ...
Because "Sun" itself is a world-famous #1 brand.
And the primary things that it is normally associated with is "Will work 
[T.M.]" , "Is reliable.", "Is trustworthy.", "Should be downloaded and 
tested before anything else."
So I don't see any confusion at all, with the prefix "Sun".
Sun's marketing: Don't they do the same with the "Java" brand? There has 
been a time when nearly everything has had that prefix. And now it has 
even moved up into the ticker symbol. What's different here?

> I can understand why boutique hand-assembled auto manufacturers might
> not like to see BMW enter the market...

That's almost pretty much a joke, given that
#0.) the distros and "OpenSolaris" are no hostile competitiors, are not 
even commercially competing against one another at all, as of now and as 
for the foreseeable future (and that's finally one point, where the 
whole trademark concerns do make perfect sense).
#1.) Not even the most mature (most frequently maintained) distros come 
close to what Sun OpenSolaris (aka SXCR) has to offer in terms of 
functionality (i.e. install methods) and platform support and so on.

>   -John

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