Ian> Does it matter at all that ...

Yes, all that stuff matters.

Ian> And, yes, does it matter that Sun holds a large stake in this community,
Ian> PAYS the vast majority of people here for the privilege of being able
Ian> to spend their days doing what they love, gets flamed repeatedly by
Ian> many of those same people for our trouble, and in return thinks it
Ian> reasonable to have _some_ say in how the community functions?

Yes, that matters too, but I think the disconnect is "_some_ say" vs making
a unilateral decision with no consultation or even pre-announcement.  That
is not what most people here seem to think makes a community.

Ian> Or is all that insignificant, irrelevant? We haven't given everything,
Ian> so therefore we've given nothing?

No, you seem to be making this more black-and-white than I see it.  Welcome
to the world of Solaris, where everyone is a critic because everyone strives
for perfection.  The developer preview is fantastic; I don't think anyone is
quibbling with that.  Rather, they're upset about the name, which implies
that Sun has unilaterally decided that OpenSolaris belongs to itself rather
than the community.

Ian> I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. Not in the least bit.

I hope the above helps.  Welcome to our strange culture.

-- John

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