On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 13:16 -0400, Ian Murdock wrote:
> I don't even know where to begin.

You should start with the choice of name.  

Names are very important.

Pick a new one that properly communicates this release's status as an
experimental prototype produced by a subset of the community without
prior broad review, and all will be well.

To me, at least, "Preview" has a strong connotation of "almost done".

The current name is already causing confusion -- on one sun-internal
list someone  seemed to think it was baked enough that it could go -- in
its current form -- on ruggedized mil-spec laptops for mission-critical

I booted it.  I crashed the installer a few times, and then got it to

It's a very promising start but parts of it are held together with duct
tape and bailing wire and it's not ready for prime time.  

> I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. Not in the least bit.

It's all about the name.  Back away from "OpenSolaris Developer Preview"
and this nightmare will end.

                                        - Bill

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