On 02/11/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I think he does understand; look where Debian is now, and how Ubuntu
> >has risen above them. Do we want to end up like Debian? So caught-up
> >in voting and democracy that we are paralysed and unable to make
> >important choices?
> So you suggest a dictatorship on the basis that the trains run on
> time.

Now you're reading between the lines; making assumptions. I merely
indicated that the level of bureaucracy is getting overwhelming.

> Why is it that the proponents of the OpenSolaris name for the Indiana
> distributions are so opposed to voting?   It's not like we propose
> voting over everything.

I have repeatedly said I would like to see a vote and yet I am
repeatedly accused of opposing one. Stop putting words in my mouth.

> But we strongly feel that anything which usurps the OpenSolaris name and
> takes exclusive ownership of that name should have community wide
> consensus based support.  Having a vote is, in fact, a step down from
> that position.  It is clear that there is no consensus.

How can you usurp something you have no control over?

> I see that the Indiana proponents are trying to continuously deflect the
> issues.  It's not about what Indiana produced; it is not about whether
> we should or should not have a distribution labeled OpenSolaris. It's
> about a single project singlehandedly claiming ownership of OpenSolaris
> without even asking the community or the its elected representatives.

The community was asked actually. It's just that the community was
allowed to decide. Asking for input and following it are two different

I will repeat again; I would have liked to have seen a vote.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"We don't have enough parallel universes to allow all uses of all
junction types--in the absence of quantum computing the combinatorics
are not in our favor..." --Larry Wall
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