"Shawn Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think he does understand; look where Debian is now, and how Ubuntu
> has risen above them. Do we want to end up like Debian? So caught-up
> in voting and democracy that we are paralysed and unable to make
> important choices?

The Debian problem is not too much democracy.

Well, Ubuntu is slightly different as important decisions seem to be 
made by Mr. Shutleworth, but there are a lot of other decisions made by
maintainers and these maintainers are even partially shared with Debian.

My observation is that the current problems in Debian are a result of that
some people (not shared with Ubuntu) do not decide in a fact based way but
are driven by religious feelings.

My impression is that the limit between something that works and something that
discusses things to death is narrow and we need to take care to keep OpenSolaris

As we did manage to stall religious attempts in the past, I am in hope that
we have a future ;-)


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