Consensus? Among whom? It should be obvious that there are actually
many people in this community that do believe there should be one
*reference* distribution called OpenSolaris.

That is not the argument, and you know it.  The argument is that no single
project is allowed to take the OpenSolaris name and claim that it owns it.

If no single project is allowed to take the OpenSolaris name and that it owns it? If the argument is not about "one *reference* distribution called OpenSolaris, can you please reconcile these two things for me?

I think there is no argument that Indiana has done so.

You didn't ask me for my vote on it; so your consensus is among
yourselves; not the community. If you still think it is, then you must
be using an interesting definition of consensus.

I also think it's a bit silly to say that the elected body is speaking
with one voice. If I recall correctly, Glynn abstained.

As Glynn works for Ian he is in a rather more difficult position than all of us.

Glynn actually works for me I am proud to say.


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