On 11/2/2007 3:12 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

> Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
>>If the goal of the distro is draw folks like my company into the fold,
>>there has to be distro unequivocally associated with the OpenSolaris
>>name. Because frankly, if you're trying to grab folks from another OS
>>you've got a short window of opportunity to get them to try it, and
>>confusing the heck out of them because they can't figure out which
>>distro is the archetypical OpenSolaris distro is prolly not something
>>in Sun's or the community's best interest. If the community can't get
>>out if its own way on this one, I'm not sure its wrong of Sun to make
>>a unilateral decision. In my opinion, its too important to the future
>>of the company that owns the trademark.
>>I share Ian's frustration in not understanding why this concept isn't
>>universally grasped/agreed with. Doesn't mean I don't understand the
>>arguments, just don't agree that the community should trump on this
> Most of the arguments here are not against having a distro named OpenSolaris,
> they're against Ian (or someone else at Sun who authorized Ian) to decide
> that none of the 6 existing distros could be renamed OpenSolaris, but the
> new one from Project Indiana could be named OpenSolaris before anyone in
> the community had seen it, and then claiming it was the community's distro.

To put a finer point to Alan's statement, I'd suggest that the majority 
of comments and arguments (and we've all read hundreds of messages the 
last two days) support a community disto.  But, what hasn't yet gained 
consensus is:

1. Which distro should be the community's standard [1]

2. What minimum components comprise the standard


[1]  I'm trying like heck to avoid the term "reference".

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