Shawn Walker wrote:
> On 26/11/2007, John Sonnenschein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 26-Nov-07, at 10:28 AM, Michael Schuster wrote:
>>> John Sonnenschein wrote:
>>>> So, GDM is rather large, and very tied to the GNOME desktop
>>>> environment,
>>>> dtlogin is being sadly jettisoned, and everyone seems opposed to
>>>> xdm for
>>>> some reason.
>>> can you (or someone else) elaborate on those reasons?
>> the PSARC case to remove CDE was approved yesterday, so that's why
>> dtlogin's going away. I'm not sure why xdm isn't being chosen as the
>> default login and GDM is, but that's what I've been told by the people
>> in charge of the case.
> Probably because GNOME is Sun's desktop choice so it makes logical sense?

I missed part of this thread, so am responding to what I see here.   I don't
know of any major opposition to xdm (and as the xdm maintainer for the X.Org
community and the person who does the most work on Solaris's version of xdm,
I'd hope they'd tell me), just a realization that gdm has more features and
looks better.

Specifically, gdm provides for accessibility helpers during login, has much more
advanced theming support, is supported by Sun Ray's server for adding and
removing Sun Ray displays on the fly, and probably has a few other features I've

None of this is impossible to do with xdm, if someone wanted to do the work to
add all that, but why duplicate all that effort when gdm works?    Is there some
reason a user would prefer xdm over gdm?    (The main reason I know of xdm still
exists and is used is at sites who want the same login gui on all their
different varieties of Unix machines, even the old ones without GNOME.)

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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