> Currently, there is no way to force a processor to a
> lower frequency. A 
> feature we'll be adding to Solaris soon.
> As for what determining what frequencies your
> processors are running at, 
> you can find that out from the cpu_info kstat.
> $ kstat -m cpu_info -s current_clock_Hz

Thank you for that. 

The ability to reduce the speed would be useful. I do notice the batteries die 
a lot quicker on this laptop (Sony VGN-SZ4XWN/C dual core 2.0 GHz Intgel Due 2 
core T7200 CPU) when on Solaris than Vista. Sony claim up to 6 hours, but 
whilst I have never got that, I can get 4 hours on Vista. But on Solaris 2 
hours is about the max. The other issue with this laptop is that it has two 
graphics chips - a low power Intel chipset and a higher performance Nvida 
FeForce Go 7400 GPU one. But Solaris is only using the higher performance one, 
which I hardly ever use on Vista. 

That said, since I have installed Solaris, I hardly ever use Vista!!!

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