Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
>>> Also useful would be a message when the speed is
>> reduced. I get messages like: 
>>> cpudrv: [ID 495817 kern.info] NOTICE:
>> cpudrv_pm_set_topspeed: instance 1: has new max power
>> of 200
>> 0 MHz
>>> but dont see any if the speed is reduce - I've no
>> idea if it does reduce.
>> If you get many of those message, I would classify
>> that as a bug
>> (in fact, any message that the CPU power frequency
>> has changed is a bug, 
>> IMHO, as it might cause your disks to spin up when
>> the log message hits
>> the disk)
>> kstat shows you the current frequencies.
>> Casper
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> I've just checked /var/adm/messages on my laptop and see it has been booted 
> 38 times. The cpudrv_pm_set_topspeed message has appeared 180 times - 90 with 
> instance of 0 and 90 with an instance of 1. 
> bash-3.00$ grep 'NOTICE: cpudrv_pm_set_topspeed: instance 1: has new max 
> power of 2000 MHz'  /var/adm/messages  | wc -l
>       90
> bash-3.00$ grep 'NOTICE: cpudrv_pm_set_topspeed: instance 0: has new max 
> power of 2000 MHz'  /var/adm/messages  | wc -l
>       90
> bash-3.00$ grep 'SunOS Release 5.11 Version snv_70b 64-bit'  
> /var/adm/messages | wc -l
>       38
> BTW, It seems that whoever wrote this bit of code needs to learn about SI 
> units, since I thought power was measured in Watts, not MHz. I thought MHz 
> was a unit of frequency and not power. 
I wrote the bit of code and yes, I was embarrassed when I read it over 
as part of this thread. I was wondering if anyone was going to mention 
the absurdity of its content.

As for the usefulness of the message, I think the information (the fact 
that the max frequency is changing) is useful. Might need to be another 
kstat rather than hidden away in the system log.


> It reminds me once when I worked in IT for about 6 months. My manager wanted 
> me to tell him the power consumption of some kit, as we were getting quotes 
> for air conditioning. So I added it up and emailed him the result in Watts. I 
> then got a message back that he did not want it in Watts, but did not specify 
> a unit. So I converted to kilo Joules per fortnight and email it to him in 
> that. I then got the reply that "Watts would do".

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