> The unthinkable has happened: SunOS backwards
> compatibility has been broken.
> Broken:
> `uname -a` returns some funky "opensolaris bla bla
> bla" string instead of the standard
> SunOS hostname 5.11 snv_## i86pc i386 i86pc.

Understandable change for a non Sun OS. But I tend to agree that this will make 
things bad for current scripts.

> Broken:
> root's home directory is in /root; this is a SEVERE
> ERROR. We're not on Linux, and this isn't Linux
> land!

I actually find this a blessing since all the window manager garbage doesn't go 
to /.

> Broken:
> all my System V compliant packages are no longer
> installable, instead `pkgadd` exits with exit code 1
> (fatal error), because /var/sadm/install/contents is
> empty.

It's worse than that.  For example SunStudio can't install using pkg because of 
missing dependencies in the base system.  I think the plan is to provide new 
packages.  The pkg "refresh" did fix a lot of problems.

> Broken:
> after the installation, the system was rendered
> unbootable. I had to go into the BIOS and play
> Russian roulette (I have four identical drives) to
> find the drive "Indiana" was on, and edit GRUB lines
> with the correct "root (hd3,0,a)" to be able to boot.
> No trace of detecting Windows XP professional on my
> first drive (this is a documented issue though, but
> the first one isn't).

Can't comment here. I didn't have issues, but my Indiana "test" machine is 
dedicated to this OS.

> Broken:
> even after editing /boot/grub/menu.lst, GRUB still
> "wouldn't take"; changes weren't visible in the GRUB
> boot menu.
> Broken:
> default shell given to root and to myself is
> /bin/bash; this is a SEVERE ERROR (the worst of all).
> Not only do I not want to have to go and modify the
> system to remove that bash GARBAGE of a shell, it's
> unacceptable to have to do that for every engineering
> cycle of a new build.

We've discussed this already and beaten it to death (bug #74). I beleive the 
plan is to allow you to choose the default shell upon installation.

> As an added "bonus", we'll have BASH garbage scripts,
> incompatible with Bourne-family shells, be encouraged
> and propagate -- on Solaris. The future looks just
> LOVELY in that respect.

I believe that the default "sh" will be ksh93 which can have script semantic 
extensions as well.  I don't like bash because it has flaky job control and is 
bloat-ware.  At least ksh will accept old "sh" scripts without failure (I hope).

> If this is the future that awaits us, I shudder at
> it. If I wanted to run a *UNIX-like* operating
> system, I'd go ahead and run that GNU/Linux garbage,
> not SunOS!

This was my first reaction.  My hope is that there will be a dual path for 
those of us that actually like SunOS.  Keep in mind that this is a preview and 
everything is subject to change.  I'm surprised that you didn't complain about 
/usr/gnu/bin at the head of PATH and populated with conflicting utilities.  
This scares me more than anything for SunOS compatibility. This may break 
scripts even worse than using bash.

BTW, everything you've mentioned is probably old-hat in the indiana-discuss 

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